Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fetus Development Photos How Is Her Drinking Affecting The Development If Her Fetus?

How is her drinking affecting the development if her fetus? - fetus development photos

A woman who knows she is 30 weeks pregnant with a fetus with a total length f 210 mm and a mass of 900 grams, he told his doctor that you have a few beers a day. What is affecting your usage of the development, if your fetus?


radishfa... said...

Sad to say, has affected her fetus. We have adopted 3 children from the same family, the biological some form of fetal alcohol syndrome. Our mother of the child drank beer only "some" or something else. One of our children is now 19 years old, from moderate disability with an IQ of 43. Who is the youngest of 15 and learning, which is 11, has FAE, fetal alcohol effects ... all the characteristics of the face, but many neurological and behavioral disorders.
Please encourage everyone you know, those who drink during pregnancy, immediately arrange for the health and well-being of your child stop!

dragon fly said...

The baby will suffer irreversible damage. This is called fetal alcohol syndrome. I have a niece who she is. She has 20 years with an 8-year-old brain. Convinve Try to leave now, if possible. Regardless, however, the damage is already done. Sorry.

zoner said...

Do is very bad for the baby could be born when PROBLEM

zoner said...

Do is very bad for the baby could be born when PROBLEM

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