Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good Female Torture Scenes How Do You Feel About George Bush’s “rape Rooms”?

How do you feel about George Bush's "rape rooms"? - good female torture scenes

George W. Bush the term "rape room" to describe the atrocities of the regime of Saddam Hussein. But did you know that during the investigation of torture at Abu Ghraib, General Taguba found courtesy of the U.S. Army Research images of Iraqi prisoners by guards from the U.S. Army sodomized? We have seen pictures of the humiliation of male prisoners suffered abuse suffered physiological, sexual humiliation, forced stress positions, etc., but how many of us knew that all this happened, their wives, daughters and sisters were raped?

One thing is to do his people, but when their wives and daughters gathered and systematically raped, we are no better than the first men fell. Our president has the terminology usedogy of sexual violence as a method to download and manipulate the American people that our invasion of Iraq was justified, but entered the scene and are of the same behavior that the Iraqis involved guilty.


1848 said...

We must do everything in order to "break America = always hero metanarrative. You'll never get an answer that is' No commitment begins, the United States war crimes, because ... "Because the United States, of course. The only answer is an instinctive reaction that attempts to reverse its credibility by indirect means (" Someone needs his dose of Prozac) to the meta-narrative to hold responsible because some of us use more support than others ...

Turtle is LEGAL said...

"One thing is to do his people, but when their wives and daughters gathered and systematically violated ..."

No, says the article "systemic" means the system does not "systematically", which means it has all the time.

From its source said, "Taguba that he had" a video of an American soldier in uniform sodomy of a female prisoner. "

A video, a soldier, a woman. "A" means in this context, always "one", does not it?

I am in no way justifies what happened, but I understand the anger of the soldiers involved. Obviously, he decided to speak in a terrible way, but it is not good, change the facts.

Please enter evidencieE for its assertion that the women were members of families of prisoners raped while incarcerated prisoners.

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