Friday, February 19, 2010

What Does The Primary Hiv Rash Look Like What Do My Symptoms Sound Like?

What do my symptoms sound like? - what does the primary hiv rash look like

Approximately 3 weeks I had a rash / tick bite may appear in my right thigh (I live in the country, so that ticks are nothing new). A few days begin to ache in my joints, especially in the knees, wrists and ankles. I went to my doctor this week and I wanted to wait for a few days to see if the rash has become a hit, "rash, thinking that perhaps Lyme disease. This Friday, my left leg suddenly swelled up twice big as my right, it was hard as a stone, and it was the membrane numbness or tingling in the left leg. I called my doctor and let me go, thought he could be a blood clot, and he was to be hospitalized for an ultrasound examination of the left leg sent. No blood clot was found. With the swelling, my feet were unusually cold and been blue / purple.

Moreover, in the last 8 years I have struggled with persistent lymph node swelling in the neck. I Met a doctor, and he said a Hodgkin's lymphoma, but noted that generally has a chain of lymph nodes with Hodgkin's not just a swollen mass. But he said he wanted to keep an eye on him, and you need a biopsy / surgery is an option.

My doctor instructed me to another doc. 2. Opinion this week, my new document. do not believe that their Lymes. These are the tests that are currently running.
Scrofula -
"Parvovirus B19
Rheumatoid arthritis Juvenulle

If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br> My mother thinks I should have done an MRI to make sure there is not a blood clot which undected ultrasound.

BTW: women aged 20, Wisconsin


The V said...

Hello neighbor, I am also in WI

First, there are a number of tests for Lyme disease, and especially Dr. unaware. I see a lot of Discovery Health Channel and have several cases where diagnosed PPL times after they had tested their doctor for Lyme disease after he lost to them and said they did not. Some of the LDP suffered for years before someone finally realized. Once such a patient may feel up to a year or longer after treatment better. Please do not wait until this scourge.

You see, if you are a doctor to treat a way to provide information on all the tests, which can carry them with access. I am not a doctor, so I do not know the name, but if I remember correctly, there are 5 different tests for now. NoLymes disease all have a skin rash.

Please read the below links and much more research.

Get well soon!

Nelson discgolfer said...

It's quite possible that he was bitten by a spider

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